On Guard Q&A

On Guard Q&A

Episode description

This week Emmeline is joined by Tilly Lunken (writer), Jackson Pentland (director), Fran Burgoyne (Stair Monitor 1), Mary Roubos (Stair Monitor 2) and Jeannie Dickinson (Stair Monitor 3) to discuss the creation of this wonderfully bizarre piece, dealing with a surreal play, the creation of the music for the podcast and what is at the top of the stairs….

If you want to follow the creatives in their other ventures:


Instagram & Twitter: @theatreofwords

In Souliloquy (including details of The Mechanicals): @insouliloquy www.insouliloquy.com/


Instagram & Twitter: @actuallyjackson

Inside Theatre: http://insidetheatre.co.uk/


Instagram: @frantellsstories

Twitter: @franburgoyne

Orshaw Series: www.audible.co.uk/pd/Under-Ordshaw-Audiobook/B087QR4CCF


Instagram: @mary.roubos

Twitter: @maryroubos

Wild Bones: https://dogheadproductions.com/


Twitter: @jeannie_ds

Instagram: @jeanniedickinson_s @jeannie_coaching

Life Coaching: linktr.ee/jeannie_coaching

Produced by Cat on a Piano Productions

The Theatrephonic Theme Tune was composed by Jackson Pentland, performed by:

  • Jackson Pentland
  • Mollie Fyfe-Taylor
  • Emmeline Braefield

For more information about the Theatrephonic Podcast, go to catonapiano.uk/theatrephonic, Instagram us @theatrephonic, or visit our Facebook page.

Please don’t forget to rate and review.

Thank you for listening!

No chapters are available for this episode.